A Missionary Baptist Church, known as the Harpeth Baptist Church, was organized one and one-half miles north of Eagleville November 7, 1839, by John Rushing, James Keel & John Landrum. This group did not have a church building at this time for it was not until February, 1840, that John Scales "for love, esteem and affection I entertain for the spread and promulgation of the gospel" gave two acres to the"said deacons and members and their successors of the Harpeth Baptist Church forever", according to the Deed, which was recorded October 1844, in Deed Book R, pages 560-561 in the Register's Office of Williamson County, Tennessee. Later, this parcel of land was zoned in Rutherford County, Tennessee.
It is assumed that a church building was soon erected because the original Minute Book of 1842 states that there are now 48 members enrolled. The early minutes, written in beautiful script with a feather quill, used quaint and picturesque language. Sunday was referred to as "the Lord's Day" and repeatedly an entry is made that a business meeting was held "on Saturday before the third Lord's Day". On several occasions members were "excluded from fellowship" because of various shortcomings such as consistent failure to attend church, intoxication, or attending a dance.
John Rushing was the first pastor of the church. Services were held twice each month and laymen held in-between services in private homes. Most preachers were farmers and so no dependent on their salary as preachers for their livelihood.
Our church has many wonderful Christian leaders. We look forward to the future of what the Lord has in store for us. At the same time we remember those saints who have departed this life to rest in the arms of Jesus. They set and lived good examples before us. We must follow their examples and continue to strive to be better Christians. If the Lord had not intended this church to be a lighthouse, it would not continue growing after 166 years.
Special thanks to the late Ms. Alice Hay and Mrs. Shirley Crick, church historians who worked very diligently to compile and pull together information about EBC.